Sunday, 23 November 2014

Home Remedy for toe nail fungus pain

There are time when you suffer from fungus in your nails. The skin around your nail tends to be red and swollen. There is also pain in the surrounding area around the nail. This cause immense discomfort to the person.

There could be various reasons for the same :
  • May be nail broke and you had an infection due to it.
  • Due to an injury which cause the infection
  • Diabetes
  • Candida yeast infection

You need to contact the doctor to let know the exact reason for your infection. However, there is a simple remedy through which you can deal with the pain and the fungal infection. There are 4 things you require:

1. Mustard Oil
2. Turmeric (Indian Spice)
3. Cotton
4. Bandage

This procedure should be done in the night. Heat the mustard oil till it is warm and add turmeric to it.  It should be warm and not hot so that it does not burn the skin.  Take the solution on the cotton one side and apply over infected nail. Warm wrap the infected nail with the bandage. It might be a pit painful for 2-3 hrs. Keep this bandage wrapped the whole night.

Please take care of the stains. Turmeric tends to leave stain on the fabric. So, please use sufficient protection before sleeping to avoid staining your clothes and bedding.

In the morning, when you wake up, remove the bandage. Wash the nail with hot water. The pain should reduce considerably compared from the past day.  If you still experience that full pain is not gone, you repeat the procedure for 2-3 days.

The procedure is highly effective in curing toe nail fungus pain.

Disclaimer **
The blog does not claim any responsibility of the suggestion given. The shared blog is just a personal experience or or a old age remedy. If you have some medical issues and some medicines as suggested by your medical practitioner ,please continue with the medicines as suggested by practitioner. This can be used as a side remedy. Please ensure you are not allergic to the drink. If allergic,in that case, you need to consult your medical practitioner.

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