Sunday, 27 March 2016

Prevent Stretch marks in Pregnancy

Stretch marks are mainly developed in pregnancy, mainly with 80% of women. These stretch marks are hard to go after child birth. The affected areas can be occasionally itchy and sensitive. Stretch marks are difficult to go once there are on your body. There are a number of creams and lotions available in the market that can help as a skin supplement.

One of the natural elements that has been helpful in preventing stretch marks generally is almond oil. Almond oil if extremely rich in nutrient.It’s non greasy lubricant, medium-light oil. It is absorbed quickly by the skin. It works wonders for dry and sensitive skin.

Almond oil has a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, potassium, proteins, zinc, and a number of other vitamins and minerals. It works wonders for the skin.

To prevent stretch marks from appearing during pregnancy, start rubbing it on your skin that is likely to stretched due to weight gain  from the 3 rd month of pregnancy and continue its use till the end. Apply a generous amount and let the skin absorb the oil. It is always better to make it a bed time routine. The bedtime routine makes it less messy. Keep the bottle around your bed time table.  Apply at night before going to sleep so it give sufficient time to the skin to absorb the light oil. It also helps to fight the dryness of the skin that causes itchiness.

Almond oil although expensive, it is cheaper than the skin creams in the market. The market available skin creams can be heavy on your pocket. It is extracted from natural elements so free of chemicals. Make sure you use a cold pressed oil and not the mixed ones. A 200g bottle can last for almost four months of your pregnancy.

This helps your skin to maintain the natural elasticity and reduce the chances of skin rupture.  It will reduce the chances of stretch marks.

Friday, 2 October 2015

Reduce Cholesterol Naturally with Amla Herb (Indian Gooseberry)

Heart disease is a bothering condition these day for most mid age adults these days. It imposes lots of restrictions in terms of food and also poses a lot of health restrictions on the individual.

Research has shown that Amla significantly improved their HDL levels and reduced their LDL cholesterol. Most medicine that you take to increase HDL also increases LDL as well, something no ones wants, Amla is an exception to it.

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Skin Lightening with Almond Facepack and Scrub

Almonds are one of the most healthiest food choices available, Almonds are rich in vitamin E, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Also,  almonds are a source of protein and fiber. They are low in sugar.  Almonds are high in protein, fiber, calcium, vitamin E, riboflavin and niacin.

They are extremely beneficial for skin and add beauty and color to the skin. Traditionally, almond are hot in nature and in hot weather it can cause nose bleeding problems. In  hot weathers, they are advised to be soaked in water and they consumed in the morning empty stomach with skin peeled off. They improve memory and significantly improve texture,.

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Struggle with retinal detachment

Retinal detachment is a severe issue with the retina and requires immediate attention. This article does not provide any remedy to the medical attention required by the severity fo the problem . Please follow all the necessary medication/steps as suggested by your doctor. I am just sharing what one of my friends story and what benefited her.  The article is not a medical solution not it claim any remedies.

My friend has a retinal detachment when she was around 16. She contacted many eye doctors but no one could find issues with her eye. She saw a half eye almost blacked and she could not see though her half eye from the top especially in the night., She went back from one doctor to another . Somehow, no one could find the problem. She struggled . Some how, after some time the half blackness from her eyes was gone.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Lemons for Type 2 Diabetes

Lemons have been found to be extremely beneficial in controlling the type 2 diabetes. It is said to improve control the blood sugar in the body. Lemons are extremely rich in Vitamin C. They help absorption of minerals in the body and also aid in digestion. It the eastern methodology, digestive system is considered the epicenter of the body. If you have a good digestion, then you will remain irrespective of what you eat,

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Turmeric Milk Benefits to Health

Turmeric is an Indian Spice. It is used in daily cooking across all Indian dishes and mostly used in lentils and cooking vegetables. In India, we cook generally vegetables and lentils only without turmeric when there is a death in the family. It is used in Ayurveda medicines for several thousand of years.

Turmeric is considered a anti-fungal,anti-bacterial spice. It is also anti-inflammatory and has anti-oxidant properties.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Mustard oil Face Scrub and Skin Lightening

Mustard oil is mostly used in Asian countries especially in Indian origin. This vegetable oil is thick in nature and sticky. It has a typical pungent smell. It is used also for cooking Asian foods. it is also considered very beneficial for skin and hair.

Mustard oil body scrub 

It is preferable to use this scrub before taking a night bath as you will get a light yellowish tinge on your skin by using this scrub and also you want all the elements to go into your skin.